
Offering expert advice and guidance to its clients for over three decades.

Gen-X is a property consulting firm that has been offering expert advice and guidance to clients for over 3 decades. Whether you’re seeking to buy, sell, lease, or manage real estate properties, our services cater to your needs. Our goal is to assist clients in making well-informed decisions regarding their real estate investments and optimizing their return on investment.

Why Choose Us?

We provide full service at every step.

Trusted By Thousands

Wide Range Of Properties

Financing Made Easy

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Years Of Experience
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Disclaimer : The developer/the Project may be required to register with the concerned authority under the Act and to otherwise comply with Act. The display of information on GenXestate with respect to such a developer or Project does not guarantee that the developer / Project has registered under the Act or is compliant with the same and there is a possibility that the authorities may deny the registration or revoke the registration if the same has been granted or to take any other action for non-compliance.We may contact you to solicit feedback of your experience and to provide any additional services that you would be eligible for, either as a customer or as a visitor. The visitor/user may opt out anytime from receiving such communication.There is no intention of violating any intellectual property or ancillary rights. If there is any violation, we request that the same be promptly brought to our attention.GenXestate (and persons having any ownership or other interest in either of them and their respective directors, employees, agents and other representatives) (“PT Parties”) shall not be responsible or liable to you or any other person (a) for any error, falsity, or inaccuracy in the information provided herein or for any omission of information;(b) for any action taken, cost / expenses / losses incurred, by you or any other person, based on the information given on the portal; (c) for any act or omission of the developers or any default or failure or breach on their part, including with respect to delivery of any services or amenities advertised and any delay in delivery or completion of the property; or (d) the registration of the developers/project/property being revoked or denied or any action being taken towards the same.Please note that this disclaimer is in addition to the provisions of any other disclaimer displayed / listed on GenXestate.


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